



  • • 教 授 細田 正洋(兼任)
  • • 准 教 授 田副 博文
  • • 助 教 クランロッド チュティマ
  • • 特任助教 アンダーソン ドノヴァン
  • • 客員研究員 篠永 妙子
  • • 客員研究員 天野 洋典
  • • 客員研究員 山田 正俊


  1. 生体試料中の放射性核種の迅速・簡易分析法の開発(バイオアッセイ)と内部被ばく線量評価に関する研究
  2. トリプル四重極誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法(ICP-QQQ)による新規分析法の開発と福島第一原子力発電所事故による汚染状況の把握
  3. ストロンチウム-90の自動分析システムの開発・運用試験
  1. 福島県浪江町における請戸川流域の放射性核種の動態に関する研究
  2. 長半減期放射性核種の環境バックグランドデータの蓄積・データベース構築
  1. ネオジム同位体比を指標とした陸源栄養物質の循環に関する研究


Determination of radon diffusion coefficient in waterproof material
Quality Assurance and quality control of Radon, Thoron and their progeny measurement
In Situ & laboratory Aerosol Instruments
Experimental laboratory set-up for Radon-in-water measurements with Radon-in-water analyzer RAD7+the RADH2O accessory


  1. 田副博文(研究代表者)、科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究(B)」、ネオジム同位体比による威信財の産地推定手法の確立(令和5年度~令和8年度)
  2. 田副博文(研究代表者)、科学研究費助成事業「学術変革領域研究(B)(公募研究)」、内部被ばく線量評価に資する先端バイオアッセイ分析システムの創出(令和5年度~令和6年度)
  3. 田副博文(研究分担者)、科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究 (B)」、放射性セシウムと放射性ストロンチウムを用いた日本海の底層水循環に関する研究(令和元年度~令和3年度)
  4. 田副博文(研究代表者)、科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究 (B)」,  生物硬組織を指標とした原発事故直後の河川水中の生物利用性Cs-137の復元、(平成30年度~令和2年度)
  5. 田副博文(研究分担者), 科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究 (C)」、放射性セシウムの吸収濃度向上と安定して高い除染効果を確保するための実証試験、(平成29年度~令和元年度)
  6. 田副博文(研究分担者), 科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究(B)特設分野領域」、高度な地球化学分析手法を用いた回遊魚類の生息域履歴推定法の確立、(平成28年度~30年度)
  7. 田副博文(研究分担者)、科学研究費助成事業「新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)」、オホーツク海・ベーリング海における混合と物質循環の解明、(平成29年度~令和元年度)
  8. 田副博文(研究代表者), 科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究 (C)」、マイクロ化学チップオンライン濃縮ICP質量分析法による放射性ストロンチウムの定量、(平成26年度~28年度)
  9. 田副博文(研究代表者),東京大学大気海洋研究所学際連携研究、海洋魚類の脊椎骨のネオジム同位体比分析による回遊経路推定手法の確立、(平成27年度)
  10. 田副博文(研究分担者), 科学研究費助成事業「新学術領域研究(研究領域提案型)」、海洋及び海洋底における放射性物質の分布状況把握、(平成24年度~28年度)
  11. 田副博文(研究分担者), 科学研究費助成事業「基盤研究(B)」、福島第一原発事故由来プルトニウム同位体の環境中への飛散状況の把握. (平成24年度~26年度)
  12. 田副博文(研究代表者), 科学研究費助成事業「若手研究(B)」、鉄の環境動態を解き明かすセリウム安定同位体分析手法の確立,(平成23年度~25年度)




  1. Kang, D.J, Tazoe, H. Effect of drought stress or soil pH on cesium accumulation in Napier grass Environ. Monit. Asses. 195(1) (2023)
  2. Poltabtim, W., Musikawan, S., Thumwong, A., Omori, Y., Kranrod, C., Hosoda, M., Saenboonruang, K., Tokonami, S., Estimation of Ambient Dose Equivalent Rate Distribution Map Using Walking Survey Technique in Hirosaki City, Aomori, Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.; 20(3):2657 (2023)
  3. Tamakuma, Y., Kranrod, C., Hosoda, M., Tokonami, S. Status of Radon Traceability and Calibration Techniques for Radon Gas. Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.12(1), p.12-24, (2023
  4. )
  5. Horiuchi, K., Kato, S., Ohtani, K., Kurita, N., Tsutaki, S., Nakazawa, F., Motoyama, H., Kawamura, K., Tazoe, H., Akata, N., Yamagata, T., Matsuzaki, H. Spatial variations of 10Be in surface snow along the inland traverse route of Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 533 61-65 (2022)
  6. Tazoe, H., Tachizaki, R., Tomisaka, Y., Kuwata, H., and Akata, N., Speciation of cesium isotopes in river water: A case study in the Ukedo River, Radiat. Protec. Dosim. 198(13-15) 1077-1083 (2022)
  7. Kuwata, H., Tazoe, H., Kranrod, C., Fujiwara, K., Terashima, K., Matsueda, M., Hirao, S., Akata, N. Performance evaluation of commercial scintillation cocktails for low-level tritium counting by high-capacity liquid scintillation counter Radiat. Prot Dosim. 198(13-15) 1014-1018 (2022)
  8. Masahiro Hosoda, Ryohei Yamada, Hiromu Kobyashi, Yuki Tamakuma, Eka Djatnika Nugraha, Hiroki Hashimoto, Ryoju Negami, Chutima Kranrod, Yasutaka Omori, Hirofumi Tazoe, Naofumi Akata, Shinji Tokonami Influence of sampling flow rate on thoron exhalation rate measurements by the circulation method, Radiat. Protec. Dosim. 198(13-15) 904-908 (2022)
  9. Poltabtim, W., Kranrod, C., Tokonami, S. An overview of passive-type Detectors for radon and its progeny measurement. Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.11(2), p.41-49, (2022)
  10. Nakayama, R., Sato, Y., Hasegawa, K., Takebayashi, K., Sato, H., Nugraha, E.D., Yachi, Y., Seino, R., Yamashita, T., Mori, H., Kranrod, C., Date, H., Hosoda, M. Meeting report of the 8th Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health by Young Scientists (ESRAH2021) and the 4th Workshop on Radiation Research and Its Related Issue: summary of lectures, presentations, and troubleshooting when running international online symposium. Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.11(2), p.66-74, (2022)
  11. C.P. Rattanapongs, C. Kranrod, M. Jitpakdee, S. Tokonami, S. Chanyotha, Estimation of the internal exposure from indoor radon, thoron and their progeny in residence around high background radiation area, Phang Nga Province. Radiat. Protec. Dosim. 198(8) 467-471 (2022)
  12. Autsavapromporn, N., Kranrod, C., Klunklin, P., Kritsananuwat, R., Jaikang, C., Kittidachanan, K., Chitapanarux, I., Fugkeaw, S., Hosoda, M., Tokonami, S. Health Effects of Natural Environmental Radiation during Burning Season in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Life. 12(6):853 (2022)
  13. Yang, S., Yang, G.S., Luo, M., Xu, D., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M., Ma, L., Multiple Evaluation of Typical Heavy Metals Pollution in Surface Soil and Road Dust from Beijing and Hebei Province, China Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 109(2) 317-322 (2022)
  14. Tazoe, H., Obata, H., Hara, T., Inoue, M., Tanaka, T., Nishioka, J., Vertical Profiles of 226Ra and 228Ra Activity Concentrations in the Western Subarctic Gyre of the Pacific Ocean Frontiers in Marine Science 9 (2022)
  15. Kuwata, H., Akata, N., Okada, K., Tanaka, M., Tazoe, H., Kurita, N, Otashiro, N., Negami, R., Suzuki, T., Tamakuma, Y., Shiroma, Y., Hosoda, M., Monthly Precipitation Collected at Hirosaki, Japan: Its Tritium Concentration and Chemical and Stable Isotope Compositions Atmosphere 13(5) 848-848 (2022)
  16. Tazoe, H., Tomisaka, Y., Akata, N., Russell, B., Ivanov, P., Hosoda, M., Tokonami, S., Rapid Chemical Separation Protocol for Optimized 90Sr Determination by ICP-MS in Water Samples for Radiological Incident Radiation Environment and Medicine 11(1) 7-15 (2022)
  17. Yamada, R., Hosoda, M., Tabe, T., Tamakuma, Y., Suzuki, T., Kelleher, K., Tsujiguchi, T., Tateyama, Y., Nugraha, E.D., Okano, A., Narumi, Y., Kranrod, C., Tazoe, H., Iwaoka, K., Yasuoka, Y., Akata, N., Sanada, T., Tokonami, S., 222Rn and 226Ra Concentrations in Spring Water and Their Dose Assessment Due to Ingestion Intake. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(3) 1758-1758 (2022)
  18. Nugraha, E.D., Mellawati, J., Wahyudi, Kranrod, C., Makhsun, Tazoe, H., Ahmad, H., Hosoda, M., Akata, N., Tokonami, S., Heavy Metal Assessments of Soil Samples from a High Natural Background Radiation Area, Indonesia Toxics 10(1) 39-39 (2022)
  19. Tanaka, K., Zhao, L., Tazoe, H., Iizuka, T., Murakami-Sugihara, N., Toyama, K., Yamamoto, T., Yorisue, T., Shirai K., Using neodymium isotope ratio in Ruditapes philippinarum shells for tracking the geographical origin Food Chemistry 382 131914-131914 (2022)
  20. Rahman, S.M., Mollah, ALS., Rakib-uz- Zaman, R., Jolly, Y.N., Akhter, S., Kabir, M.J., Tazoe, H., Salam, S.M.A., Multipotential Trace Metal Concentrations in Soil Associated with the Ecological and Human Health Risk near the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Pabna, Bangladesh, Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232(11) (2021)
  21. Shin-mura, K., Tokuyoshi, R., Tazoe, H., Sasaki, K., Temperature effect on lithium isotope separation by electrodialysis using La0.57Li0.29TiO3 electrolyte Fusion Engineering and Design 171 112577-112577 (2021)
  22. Tazoe, H., Amakawa, H., Suzuki, K., Nishioka, J., Hara, T., Obata, H., Determination of Nd isotopic composition in seawater using newly developed solid phase extraction and MC-ICP-MS TALANTA 232 122435-122435 (2021)
  23. Murakami-Sugihara, N., Shirai, K., Tazoe, H., Mizukawa, K., Takada, H., Yamagata, T., Otosaka, S., Ogawa, S., Spatiotemporal change of cesium-137 in the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan: The mussel watch approach Marine Pollution Bulletin 168 112413-112413 (2021)
  24. Tokonami, S., Miura, S., Akata, N., Tazoe, H., Hosoda, M., Kranrod, C., Kudo, H., Ogura, K., Fujishima, Y., Tamakuma, Y., Shimizu, M., Kikuchi, K., Kashiwakura, K., Support activities in Namie Town, Fukushima undertaken by Hirosaki University, Annals of the ICRP 014664532110068-014664532110068 (2021)
  25. Oka, A., Tazoe, H., Obata, H., Simulation of global distribution of rare earth elements in the ocean using an ocean general circulation model JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY 77(3) 413-430 (2021)
  26. Kang, D.J., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M. Effects of environmental conditions, low-level potassium, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, or combination treatment on radiocesium-137 decontamination in Napier grass Environ. SCI. Pollut. Res. 28(36) 49602-49612 (2021)
  27. Fujishima, Y., Kino, Y., Ono, T., Goh, V.S.T., Nakata, N., Ariyoshi, K., Kasai, K., Toyoda, T., Akama, T., Tazoe, H., Yamada, Yoshida, M.A., Miura, T., Transition of Radioactive Cesium Deposition in Reproductive Organs of Free-Roaming Cats in Namie Town, Fukushima. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(4) 1772-1772 (2021)
  28. Amakawa, H., Yu, T.L., Tazoe, H., Obata, H., Gamo, T., Sano, Y., Shen, C.C., Suzuki, K. Neodymium concentration and isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean Chemical Geology 561 (2021)
  29. Modibo, O.B., Tokonami, S., Hosoda, M., Tamakuma, Y., Jun, H., Hegedűs, M., Nugraha, E.D., Saïdou, Tazoe, H., Akata, N., Kanai, Y., Yanagisawa, F. Renjian Zhang, 210Pb and Major Ion Concentrations in Aerosols Collected in Qingdao, a Seaside Area of China. Radiation Environment and Medicine 10(1) 18-25 (2021)
  30. Taeko Shinonaga, Katharina Gueckel, Masatoshi Yamada, Toshitaka Gamo, Peter Steier, Marcus Christl, Zhongtang Wang, Uta Czeslik, Hirofumi Tazoe, Jochen Tschiersch, A record of( 241)Am, U-236, U-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Cs-134 and Cs-137 in surface seawater and Am-241 in aerosols shortly after the FDNPP incident occurred Geochem. J. 55(1) 33-38 (2021)
  31. Shao, Y., Yang, G., Luo, M., Xu, D., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M., Ma, L. Background and fingerprint characteristics of anthropogenic U-236 and (137)Cs in soil and road dust samples collected from Beijing and Zhangjiakou, China Chemosphere 263 127909-127909 (2021)
  32. W.O.G. Odongo, M. Chege, N. Hashim, S. Tokonami, C. Kranrod, C. Rotich. Determination of Activity Concentration of Natural Radionuclides and Radiation Hazards’ Assessment of Building Materials in High Background Radiation Areas of Homa and Ruri, Kenya, The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2021, Article ID 9978619, 7 pages, (2021).
  33. W.O.G. Odongo, M. Chege, S. Tokonami, N. Hashim, C. Kranrod, C. Nyambura. Radon and Thoron Exhalation Rates from Earthen Building Materials Used in High Background Radiation Areas of Homa and Ruri, Kenya. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 197(1):12-18 (2021)
  34. P. Sola, U. Injarean, R. Picha, C. Kranrod, C. Kukusamude, S. Tokonami. Measurement of NORM in Building Materials to Assess Radiological Hazards to Human Health and Develop the Standard Guidelines for Residents in Thailand: Case Study in Sand Samples Collected from Seven Northeastern Thailand Provinces” Atmosphere. 12(8), 1024, (2021)
  35. C. Kranrod, Y. Tamakuma, Y. Jin, H. Kobayashi, E.D. Nugraha, A. Sanpei, M. Kiso, H. Hashimoto, R. Negami, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami. Characterization of Commercially Available Active-Type Radon–Thoron Monitors at Different Sampling Flow Rates. Atmosphere. 12(8), 971, (2021)
  36. Y. Sato, K. Hasegawa, M. Sakamoto, Y. Suzuki, V.S. Ting Goh, E.D. Nugraha, R. Nakayama, T. Koiwa, R. Negami, K. Narumi, C. Kranrod, C. Pornnumpa, T. Tsujiguchi, T. Nakamura. Virtual Meeting Report: The 3rd Workshop on Radiation Research and its Related Issues and the 7th Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health by Young Scientists (ESRAH2020). Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.10(2), p.115-121, (2021)
  37. E.D. Nugraha, M. Hosoda, Y. Tamakuma, C. Kranrod, J. Mellawati, N. Akata, S. Tokonami. A unique high natural background radiation area in Indonesia: a brief review from the viewpoint of dose assessments. J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 330, 1437–1444 (2021)
  38. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, S. Tokonami, T. Ishikawa. A simple technique for measuring the activity size distribution of radon and thoron progeny aerosols. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. Volumes 229–230:106506 (2021)
  39. O.B. Modibo, Y. Tamakuma, T. Suzuki, R. Yamada, W. Zhuo, C. Kranrod, K. Iwaoka, N. Akata, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami, Long-Term Measurements of Radon and Thoron Exhalation Rates from the Ground Using the Vertical Distributions of Their Activity Concentrations. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18:1489 (2021)
  40. E.D. Nugraha, M. Hosoda, J Mellawati, U Untara, I Rosianna, Y Tamakuma, O.B. Modibo, C. Kranrod, K. Kusdiana, S. Tokonami. Radon Activity Concentrations in Natural Hot Spring Water: Dose Assessment and Health Perspective. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 18(3), 920 (2021)
  41. Akata, N., Iwata C., Kato A., Tanaka M., Tazoe H., Shima N., Ichiyanagi K., Hegedus M., Bator G., Kovacs T., Kakiuchi H. Low-volume electrolytic enrichment for Tritium measurement using improved solid polymer electrolyte system at NIFS and its application radiation environment and medicine: covering a broad scope of topics relevant to environmental and medical radiation research 9(2) 93-97 (2020)
  42. Hegedűs, M., Ploykrathok, T., Shiroma, Y., Iwaoka, K., Yamada, R., Tsujiguchi, K., Yamaguchi, M., Suzuki, T., Ogura, K., Tamakuma, Y., Tazoe, H., Akata, N., Hosoda, M., Kashiwakura, I., Tokonami, S. Environmental Monitoring of 134Cs and 137Cs Levels in Namie Town in 2018 and 2019 Radia. Environ. Med. 9(1) 70-78, (2020)
  43. M Hegedűs, M., Tazoe, H., Yang, S., Tamakuma, Y., Hosoda, M., Akata, N., Tokonami, S. Caesium Retention characteristics of KNiFC-PAN Resin from river water Radiat. Protec. Dosim. 190(3) 320-323 (2020)
  44. Hegedus, M., Shiroma, Y., Iwaoka, K., Hosoda, M., Suzuki, T., Tamakuma, Y., Yamada, R., Tsujiguchi, T., Yamaguchi, M., Ogura, K., Tazoe, H., Akata, N., Kashiwakura, I., Tokonami, S. Cesium concentrations in various environmental media at Namie, Fukushima Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 323(1), 197-204 (2020).
  45. J. Hu, G. Yang, C. Kranrod, K. Iwaoka, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami. An Improved Passive CR-39-Based Direct 222Rn/220Rn Progeny Detector. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(22), 8569 (2020)
  46. Y. Tamakuma, C. Kranrod, T. Suzuki, Y. Watanabe, T. Ploykrathok, R. Negami, E.D. Nugraha, K. Iwaoka, M. Janik, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami, Passive-Type Radon Monitor Constructed Using a Small Container for Personal Dosimetry. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(16), 5660 (2020)
  47. T. Thumvijit, S. Chanyotha, S. Sriburee, P. Hongsriti1, M. Tapanya, C. Kranrod, S. Tokonami. Identifying Indoor Radon Sources in Pa Miang, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Sci Rep. 10, 17723 (2020)
  48. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, P. Pengvanich, R. Kritsananuwat, T. Ploykrathok, P. Sriploy, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami, A comparative study of the outdoor absorbed dose rate in air by in-situ and soil- sampling-based measurement methods, Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.9(2), p.98-104, 2020.
  49. C. Kranrod, Y Tamakuma, M Hosoda, S Tokonami, Importance of Discriminative Measurement for Radon Isotopes and Its Utilization in the Environment and Lessons Learned from Using the RADUET Monitor, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(11), 4141 (2020)
  50. C. Kranrod, R. Kritsananuwat, S. Chanyotha, T. Ploykrathok, P. Sriploy, Activity concentration and soil to plant transfer factor of natural radionuclides in Thai lemongrass, Radiation Environment and Medicine, v.9(1), p.7-12, (2020)
  51. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, P. Pengvanich, R. Kritsananuwat, T. Ploykrathok, P. Sriploy, M. Hosoda, S. Tokonami, Car-borne survey of natural background gamma radiation in western, eastern and southern Thailand, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 188(2):174-180 (2020).
  52. Tazoe, H., Yamagata, T., Tujita, K., Nagai, H., Obata, H., Tsumune, D., Kanda J., Yamada, M. Observation of Dispersion in the Japanese Coastal Area of Released 90Sr, 134Cs, and 137Cs from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to the Sea in 2013. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16 (21), 4094 (2019)
  53. Zhao, L., Tanaka, K., Tazoe, H., Iizuka, T., Kubota, K., Sugihara, M.N., Shirai, K. Determination of the geographical origin of marine mussels (Mytilus spp.) using 143Nd/144Nd ratios, Marine Environmental Research, 148, 12-18 (2019)
  54. Kritsananuwat, R., Kranrod, C., Chanyotha, S., Ploykrathok, T., Sriploy, P., Natural radionuclides in agricultural plants from northern Thailand. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 184(3-4):397-9 (2019).
  55. Janik, M., Tokonami, S., Iwaoka, K., Karunakara, N., Trilochana, S., Mohan, M.P., et al. Comparison of Radon and Thoron Concentration Measuring Systems Among Asian Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24) (2019).
  56. Yang, G, Hu, J., Tsukada, H., Tazoe, H., Shao, Y., Yamada, M. Vertical distribution of 129I and radiocesium in forest soil collected near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant boundary. Environmental Pollution, 250, 578−585 (2019)
  57. Yang, G, Rahman, M.S., Tazoe, H., Hu, J., Shao, Y., Yamada, M. 236U and radiocesium in river bank soil and river sediment in Fukushima Prefecture, after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Chemosphere, 225, 388−394 (2019)
  58. Shao, Y., Yang, G., Xu, D., Yamada, M., Tazoe, H., Luo, M., Cheng, H., Yang, K., Ma, L. First report on global fallout 236U and uranium atom ratios in soils from Hunan Province, China. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 197, 1−8 (2019)
  59. Amakawa, H., Yu, TL., Tazoe, H., Obata, H., Gamo, T., Sano, Y., Shen, C.C., Suzuki, K. Neodymium concentration and isotopic composition distributions in the southwestern Indian Ocean and the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean. Chemical Geology 511, 190-203 (2019)
  60. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, R. Kritsananuwat, T. Ploykrathok, P. Pengvanich, Y. Tumnoi, T. Thumvijit and S. Sriburee, Natural radioactivity concentration in traditional Thai herbal medicine, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1285, Issue 1, Article number 012010 (2019)
  61. S. Sriburee, T. Thumvijit, J. Kitima, P. Hongsriti, M. Tapanya, C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha Radon concentration in residential areas of Bann Pang Fan, Chiang Mai province, Thailand” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1285, Issue 1, Article number 012011 (2019)
  62. P. Quinram, M. Jitpukdee, C. Pornnumpa, C. Kranrod, “Risk assessment to natural radiation exposure from soil samples in the Jasmine rice cultivated area, Roi Et province, Thailand” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1285, Issue 1, Article number 012014 (2019)
  63. M. Jitpukdee, P. Quinram, C. Kranrod, Analysis of radiological hazards from surface soils in Khong Chiam and Sirinthon districts, Ubon Ratchathani province” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1285, Issue 1, Article number 012017 (2019)
  64. Shao, Y., Yang, G., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M., Ma, LL., Xu, D. A review of measurement methodologies and their applications to environmental Sr-90. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 192, 321-333 (2018)
  65. Yang, G., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M. Improved approach for routine monitoring of I-129 activity and I-129/I-127 atom ratio in environmental samples using TMAH extraction and ICP-MS/MS. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1008, 66–73 (2018)
  66. Yang, G. S., Y. Kato, H. Tazoe, M. Yamada: Applying an improved method to measure 134Cs, 135Cs, and 137Cs activities and their atom ratios in marine sediments collected close to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Geochemical Journal, 52, 219-226 (2018)
  67. Tazoe, H., H. Obata, M. Tomita, S. Mamura, J. Nishioka, T. Yamagata, Z. Karube, M. Yamada: Novel method for low level Sr-90 activity in seawater by combining oxalate precipitation and chelating resin extraction. Geochemical Journal, 51(2), 193-197 (2017) DOI:10.2343/geochemj.2.0441
  68. Yang, G., Tazoe, H., Yamada, M. Can 129I track 135Cs, 236U, 239Pu, and 240Pu apart from 131I in soil samples from Fukushima Prefecture, Japan? Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15714-w (2017)
  69. Yang, G., Tazoe, H., Kazuhiko, H., Kumiko, O., Yamada, M. Isotopic compositions of 236U, 239Pu, and 240Pu in soil contaminated by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Scientific Reports DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13998-6 (2017)
  70. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, R. Kritsananuwat, T. Ploykrathok, P. Pengvanich, Y. Tumnoi, T. Thumvijit, S. Sriburee, Preliminary survey of radioactivity level in Thai medicinal herb plants, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 860(1):012001, p. 1-7 (2017)
  71. R. Kritsananuwat, S. Chanyotha, C. Kranrod, P. Pengvanich, Transfer factor of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K from soil to Alpinia Galangal plant grown in northern Thailand, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 860(1):012008, p.1-9, (2017)
  72. Yang, G. S., H. Tazoe, M. Yamada: Determination of 236U in environmental samples by single extraction chromatography coupled to triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 944, 44-50 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2016.09.033
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  75. Tazoe, H., H. Obata, T. Yamagata, Z. Karube, H. Nagai, M. Yamada: Determination of strontium-90 from direct separation of yttrium-90 by solid phase extraction using DGA Resin for seawater monitoring. Talanta, 152, 219-227 (2016) DOI:10.1016/j.talanta.2016.01.065
  76. Chanyotha, S., Kranrod, C., Kritsananuwat, R., Lane-Smith, D., Burnett, W.C., Optimizing laboratory-based radon flux measurements for sediments. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 158:47-55 (2016).
  77. Yang, G. S., H. Tazoe, M. Yamada: Rapid determination of 135Cs and precise 135Cs/137Cs atomic ratio in environmental samples by single-column chromatography coupled to triple-quadrupole inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 908, 177-184 (2016) DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2015.12.041
  78. C. Kranrod, S. Chanyotha, S. Tonlublao, W.C. Burnett, A Simple Laboratory System for Diffusive Radon Flux Measurements, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 661(1):012028, p.1-8, (2015)
  79. Chanyotha, S., Kranrod, C., Pengvanich, P., Systematic apporch to characterization of NORM in Thailand. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 167(1-3):15-21 (2015).
  80. Sorimachi, A., Tokonami, S., Kranrod, C., Ishikawa, T., Preliminary Experiments Using a Passive Detector for Measuring Indoor 220Rn Progeny Concentrations with an Aerosol Chamber. Health Physics. 108(6):597-606 (2015)
  81. Pornnumpa, C., Tokonami, S., Sorimachi, A., Kranrod, C., Characteristics of indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dowelling while using air appliances. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 167(1-3):87-91 (2015).
  82. Kranrod, C., Chanyotha, S., Pornnumpa, C., Kritsananuwat, R., Sriploy, P., Baseline data of naturally occurring radionuclides in some native vegetables and fruits in southern Thailand. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 167(1-3):270-5 (2015).
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